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The Truth Concerning the Ultimate Goal of God's Economypor

ISBN: 0-87083-814-8
Copia impresa: Living Stream Ministry disponible en línea

Actualmente disponible en: Capítulo 1 de 1 Sección 1 de 10

The Truth Concerning the Ultimate Goal of God’s Economy


Recently, someone who identified himself as “J. S.” published a false and slanderous article concerning Brother Witness Lee’s teaching. The article was entitled, “The Worst Blasphemous Words of Witness Lee against God.” We feel that we must present something to refute what he has said. First, we would like to present clearly and briefly what Brother Lee has said concerning the high peak of the divine revelation of God’s eternal economy, which this opposing one has slanderously distorted. Then we would specifically like to address how this opposing one misinterprets Brother Lee with an evil intent by omitting crucial points of what he has said, by distorting what he has said, and by loosely translating what he has said. Finally, we would like to present what some prominent teachers in the past have said concerning this high peak of God’s divine revelation. Because what our brother is releasing in the Lord’s present ministry is so crucial, the enemy, the deceiver, will do everything he can to fight against it with his lies and distortions. May the Lord grant us a spirit of wisdom and revelation to see the depths of His eternal economy so that we can walk in the light of His divine revelation to arrive at a full-grown man.

Ed Marks


Recently, the Lord has opened up to us the high peak of His divine revelation. This high peak can be summarized in the following statement: God became man that man may become God in life and nature but not in the Godhead. This statement embodies the entire revelation of God’s New Testament economy in an absolutely scriptural and careful way. The following selected excerpts from Brother Witness Lee’s writings make this abundantly clear.

From The Christian Life,
Message Twelve, pp. 133-134

In our recent life-study of the book of Jeremiah, I pointed out that in God’s new covenant (Jer. 31:33-34), we have been made God in His nature and in His life, but not in His Godhead. This is because we have been begotten of God (John 1:13). Dogs beget dogs; lions beget lions; and man begets man. Since your father is a man, and you are born of him, are you not a man? As believers in Christ, we have been born of God; we have been regenerated by God. God is our Father, and we are His sons. Since our Father is God, what are we, the sons? The sons must be the same as their Father in life and in nature. We have been born of God to be the children of God (1 John 3:1). Eventually, when Christ comes, He will make us fully the same as God in life and in nature (v. 2). However, none of us are or can be God in His Godhead as an object of worship. In a family, only the father has the fatherhood. The children of the father do not have his fatherhood. There is only one father with many children. The father is human, and the children also are human, but there is only one father. In the same way, God is our unique Father; only He has the divine fatherhood. But we as His children are the same as He is in life and in nature.

The early church fathers used the term deification to describe the believers’ participation in the divine life and nature of God, but not in the Godhead. We human beings need to be deified, to be made like God in life and in nature, but it is a great heresy to say that we are made like God in His Godhead. We are God not in His Godhead, but in His life, nature, element, essence, and image.

From Life-study of Job,
Message Twenty-two, p. 122


In our spiritual breathing by the exercise of our spirit, we enjoy, receive, and absorb the divine substance with the divine essence, the divine element, and the divine expression. This will cause us to be deified, that is, to be constituted with the processed Triune God to be made God in life and in nature but not in the Godhead. In this sense we may speak of the deification of the believers, a process that will consummate in the New Jerusalem.

Do you know what the New Jerusalem is? The New Jerusalem is a composition of God’s chosen, redeemed, regenerated, sanctified, transformed, and glorified people who have been deified. On God’s side, the Triune God has been incarnated to be a man; on our side, we are being deified, constituted with the processed and consummated Triune God so that we may be made God in life and in nature to be His corporate expression for eternity. This is the highest truth, and this is the highest gospel.

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