Información del libro

Life-Study of Johnpor Witness Lee

ISBN: 0-7363-0957-8
Copia impresa: Living Stream Ministry disponible en línea

Actualmente disponible en: Capítulo 16 de 51 Sección 1 de 4






We live in a troubled world. The world is altogether troublesome. Family life, school life, and every type of occupation—all are troublesome. Who is at peace—the president, the senators, the congressmen? No one is at peace. Regardless of whom you are, you are troubled. We all have troubles. Do not boast that your marriage is the best. I do not believe that even one marriage is absolutely good; every marriage is at least somewhat poor. By God’s sovereign ordination, we all must marry—there is no escape—but everyone who is married finds himself in trouble.

Christ comes into this troublesome world as the peace-giving Christ (6:16-21). John 6 not only portrays the hungry world, but also the troubled world. Christ is the feeding Christ to the hungry world and the peace-giving Christ to the troubled world. The world may trouble everyone, but it cannot trouble Him.

A. The Stirred-up Sea and the Blowing Wind
Signifying the Troubles in Human Life

The stirred-up sea and the strong blowing wind signify the troubles in human life. Under the sea are demons, and in the air are evil spirits. That is why we have trouble. How could we ever expect to have a peaceful day? We are in the wrong place for that.

B. Jesus Walking on the Sea
Signifying His Overruling
All the Troubles of Human Life

Jesus walked on the sea (6:19). This signifies that the Lord can overrule all the troubles of human life. He can walk on the troubling waves of human life, and all the unrest is under His feet. Christ walked on top of all the waves. It seemed that the more waves there were, the more He enjoyed walking upon them. The waves terrified His disciples, but He trod upon them. He seemed to say, “Demons, please cause bigger waves. Then I will have more enjoyment. I can walk on top of your waves.” This is the peace-giving Christ.

When the disciples took Him into their boat, immediately the boat was at the land to which they were going (6:21). Do you want to have a peaceful life? If you do, then you must take Jesus into your “boat.” Your “boat” may be your married life, family, or occupation. When He comes into your “boat,” you will enjoy peace with Him on the journey of human life. If you receive Christ into your marriage, your marriage will be peaceful. If you receive Him into your family, your family will be at peace. If you accept Him into your job, your job will be peaceful. Without Christ, the world is hungry. Without Christ, the world is also troubled. But with Him, we have satisfaction and peace. He is the feeding Christ and the peace-giving Christ. Praise the Lord!


A. Seekers After the Perishing Food

In verses 22 through 31 we find the seekers after the perishing food. They were seeking satisfaction. Regardless of the kind of food people are seeking, they all are seeking satisfaction. These people were trying to do something and to work for God. They were also seeking for signs and miracles. The concept of fallen man toward God is always that he must do something for God and work for God. This is the principle of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in Genesis 2. The Lord’s concept concerning man toward God is that he believe in Him, that is, receive Him as the life and life supply. This is the principle of the tree of life in Genesis 2. The answer to the seeking after the perishing food is to receive the Lord by believing in Him (6:29).

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