Información del libro

Life-Study of Johnpor Witness Lee

ISBN: 0-7363-0957-8
Copia impresa: Living Stream Ministry disponible en línea

Actualmente disponible en: Capítulo 34 de 51 Sección 1 de 4





H. The Abiding

1. To See the Fact That
We Are the Branches in the Vine

As we pointed out in the last message, if we are to abide in the vine, we must see the fact that we are the branches in the vine (v. 5). Our abiding in Christ depends upon a clear vision that we are branches in the vine. If we see that we are already in Him, then we shall be able to abide in Him. We will not want to stay away from Him.

2. To Abide, to Remain, in the Son

Once we see the fact that we are branches in the vine, we need to maintain the fellowship between us and the vine. Any insulation will separate us from the rich supply of the vine tree. A little disobedience, a sin, or even a sinful thought can be the insulation that separates us from the riches of the vine. If we do not condemn such things but hold on to them, they will insulate us from the rich supply of the vine tree. First, we must see that we are branches. Then we need to maintain the fellowship between us and the Lord. Nothing should be between Him and us. There is a hymn in our hymnal that opens with the words Nothing between, Lord, nothing between. From experience we know that even a small thing can insulate us from the rich supply of the vine tree. We need to pray to the Lord, “Lord, let there be nothing between You and me separating me from Your rich supply.”

3. To Let the Son Abide in Us

We need to let the Son abide in us (vv. 4-5). This is very meaningful. We abide in Him and He abides in us. But many times we do not give Him the ground, the space, to abide in us. The Lord desires to spread His abiding within us. However, we like to narrow down His abiding. We restrict Him. There is constantly a gentle struggle between the abiding Christ and us. While Christ’s abiding is gradually spreading within us, there is something within that restricts this abiding Christ. The abiding Christ wants to gain more ground gradually, even inch by inch. But sometimes there is a struggle over His gaining even one inch. Christ wants to gain another inch, but we restrict Him from doing so. As a result, we bargain with Him. If you do not bargain with the Lord, you must be a Christian in the third heaven. Probably even today many of us have bargained with Him. Although we have shouted, “We have been ruined by Him,” still within us we may say, “Lord Jesus, I will give You just this much. I can’t afford to give You more space. Lord, have mercy on me. Be patient until I am ready to give You another half an inch. Until then, Lord, stay where You are.” Although we may not say this audibly, many times we have this thought deep within us. The Lord may say, “I would like to take another five inches.” Then you begin to bargain with Him once more. After this, He remains silent, turning His face aside. He refuses to talk to you anymore, and you lose His presence. Although you gained the ground, the five inches that the Lord wanted, you lost His presence. Oh, how we need to keep our fellowship with Him and be willing to allow Him to take more ground and to expand within us! May we allow the Lord to spread Himself within us, taking as much ground as He wants. If we do this, we shall have the real growth of life. We shall see the growth of life within.

Why do so many of the saints scarcely grow in life? Simply because they do not allow the Lord to spread within them. There may be no insulation, but there is too much limitation. This matter of abiding is very delicate and tender. Please keep in mind that we must take care of two things—not to have any insulation and not to have any limitation. It is easier to eliminate the insulation than it is to remove the limitation. I am afraid that even as you read this message you may not be ready to take away every limitation. Praise the Lord that He is patient and kind. He will never leave you. He is waiting. At the most, He will turn His face aside. That is all that He will do. But He will stay here. May we look to Him for mercy and grace that we may always give Him the ground to expand within us, allowing Him to spread into every corner and avenue of our inner being. This is the way to have the growth in life.

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